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Cats From Home

Despite being stuck at home, the Alleycats have still been putting in some serious work, constantly improving their games and owning their development. This past week we had three girls that cracked that National Techne leaderboard top 25, with Victoria Rollins ('05) logging a whopping 26 hours training with the app, followed by Abbey Stubbs ('08) with 23 hours, and Hannah Tampasis ('06) with 21 hours. Different age groups and teams in the club have split up into "mini-teams" to have internal competitions around Techne hours and fitness challenges for points. On the girls side, this upcoming week age groups will go "head-to-head" to crown a Techne Champions League winner over the coming weeks. Some other things that coaches have done include providing players with soccer trivia, video challenges, video meetings, and organizing remote viewing parties for old games. See if you can answer this question that Coach Andy posed to his '05 girls team this past week..." What 4 European countries that Cristiano Ronaldo has played league soccer in?" What would soccer be without a little fun?! See below some clips of our cats participating in some unique challenges and working on their game.


The Techne App March 15th-22nd nationwide leaders!

The '04 Toilet Paper Challenge!

Nice work Payton!

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